Before you get your vehicle wrapped, you want to make sure that the vinyl is the best fit. In fact, many aspects can affect the quality and life of a vehicle wrap. It is good to ensure that the vinyl will work with your vehicle. So, here is your answer to the question, "Can my vehicle be wrapped?"

Most vehicles can be wrapped. However, there are some aspects that can make the process tricky or make it more likely that the vinyl will peel.

Possible issues if you want a vehicle wrap:

  • Your vehicle has unfinished bodywork.
  • If there is any surface rust, body damage, or textured surface.
  • Vinyl/wax is already on the vehicle.
  • The paint job isn’t factory-original (OEM).
  • You rely on your vehicle daily and can’t leave it with us for a minimum of 24 hours.

What Causes Vehicle Wrap Issues

1. Vehicle Surface

Any unfinished body work, rust, damage, or texture could cause the vinyl to not be able to adhere correctly and possibly peel. We do not provide a warranty for a vehicle in any of these states if you choose to have your vehicle wrapped regardless of the possible issues. Due to this, we cannot guarantee that the vinyl will last as long as it typically would.

2. Existing Vinyl
& Wax

If your vehicle already has vinyl on it, we will still wrap it as long as you don’t request the design to cover it or if you remove it yourself beforehand. Also, if you want your vehicle wrapped with us, we request that you not wax your vehicle 1 month prior to your booking. However, in cases where there is still wax on your vehicle, we may have to reschedule and possibly charge an hourly rate for the removal of it.

3. Vehicle Paint

High quality or factory-original paintjobs are recommended for a vehicle wrap. Paintjobs of this standard ensure that the vinyl will adhere correctly. Plus, if/when you decide to remove the vinyl, the paint won’t come off with it. Getting a post-factory paint job wrapped could risk damage.

4. Vehicle

Small designs can sometimes only take a few hours. A quick turnover cannot be promised all of the time. We recommend that you do not leave your vehicle with us if you will be relying on it for any commutes. Bigger jobs can take up to a week to complete and can sometimes take longer. Contact us to find out how long it would take to provide the wrap you want.

Need advice? Let's Talk

Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss any aspect of your request. Our experienced team will assist you every step of the way in ensuring your ideas are brought to life; just as you imagined.

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